CSS Selectors

CSS Selectors

CSS Selectors
CSS selectors identify specific HTML elements as targets for CSS styles. 
This topic covers how CSS selectors target HTML elements. 
Selectors use a wide range of over 50 selection methods offered by the CSS language, including elements, classes, IDs, pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, and pattern
Now we will all types of Selectors with there description in CSS - 
  1.  “*” -  Universal selector (all elements)(denoted by *)
  2.  div -  Tag selector (all
  3.  .fruit -  Class selector (all elements with class fruit)(denoted by “.” dot )
  4.  .fruit.apple -  All elements with class fruit and apple(a type of Compound selector)
  5.  #headline  - ID selector (the element with "id" attribute set to headline)(denoted by “#” )
  6.  :pseudo-class -   All elements with pseudo-class(denoted by colon “:” )
  7.  ::pseudo-element -  Element that matches pseudo-element (denoted by double colon “::”)
  8.  :lang(en)  -  Element that matches :lang declaration, for example
  9. div > p  - child selector (denoted by “>”).
Note - 
The value of an ID must be unique in a web page. It is a violation of the HTML standard to use the value of an ID more than once in the same document tree.
Now we will see some Examples  - 
Example 1 - Selecting element p which is for selecting paragraphs.
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Example 2 - example for id selector
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Example 3 - Example for class selector
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Example 4 -  There may be many classes of a p tag, here selecting a particular class of p tag
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Example 5 - Now we will see universal selector
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Example 6 - We can select multiple elements at once as well - 
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