CSS Google Fonts

CSS Google Fonts

CSS Google Fonts - 
Google fonts are used when we do not want to use the existing fonts so we can use google fonts.
Google has a set of 1052 fonts to choose from.
The Question is How can we use the google font  in out CSS page - 
Here is the answer -
  • Firstly we have to link the google font url to use the fonts,
  • For example we have to use font named - Trirong
  • Syntax is given down below -
Syntax - 
"stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Trirong">
  • Now I can simply use the Trirong font in the font-family property. 
Now we will see Example - 
Example - using “Audiowide” font.
Output - 
Example 2 - 
Using font named “Sofia” -
Output - 
Note - 
We can also use multiple fonts separated by “|” - 
Syntax - 
"stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Sofia|Audiowide|Trirong">
Example - 
Output -