CSS background Property

CSS background Property

CSS background Property
In this tutorial, youwill leanr about CSS background Propewrty: With CSS you can set colors, gradients, and images as the background of an element. 
It is possible to specify various combinations of images, colors, and gradients, and adjust the size, positioning, and repetition (among others) of these.
Syntax - 
background: background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position;
Property order should not matter, and any properties not specified use their default values.
Now we will see an Example -
Example -
Output - 
Example -
Output -
Now we will see all the properties available in background property shown below  
  • Background-color
  • Background-image
  • Background-position
  • Background-
  • -repeatbackground-origin
  • Background-clip
  • background-attachment