CSS !important

CSS !important

CSS  !important Rule In CSS
The !important declaration is used to override the usual specificity in a style sheet by giving a higher priority to a
Any CSS property can have the keyword !important after it inside of a rule. 
This keyword will cause that property to always win in a conflict, even if the rule that contains it has lower specificity than another conflicting rule. 
However, this is generally considered a bad practice. 
It can make CSS issues harder to debug and can make your style sheets less maintainable. 
In most cases, it’s better to determine the specificity of the rules you are trying to apply and use a more specific selector on the rule that you want to apply.
Syntax - 
property : value !important;
Now we will see Examples - 
Example - 
In this example we will see only !important element is have the importance 
Output - 

As we can see among all the different properties only the !important got the importance.