HTML Basic Tags With Examples | Learn HTML Tags with WDH | HTML Tags Guide

HTML Basic Tags

In HTML ,discuss about the basic tags .

HTML Documents

All HTML documents starts with a document type declaration:


The HTML document begins with a opening tag

and ending tag

The visible part of the HTML document and show the user or other is between


The Declaration

The declaration is not a case sensitive and helps browser to display web pages correctly.

It appears only once  at the top of the page.

It is the first line of code this document type.

The declaration for XHTML or HTML5 is:

In HTML ,discuss about the basic tags .

HTML Documents

All HTML documents starts with a document type declaration:


The HTML document begins with a opening tag

and ending tag

The visible part of the HTML document and show the user or other is between



HTML Headings

HTML headings are defined with the








is the highest level and most important headings.

is the second highest level headings and so on.....

is the least important heading and smaller in size.



HTML Links

HTML links are defined with the (anchor tag) tag:

This link is specified in the href attribute.

Attribute are used to provide for more information about html elements.


HTML Images

HTML  images are displays with the (image tag) tag.

there are:

source file src,alternative text alt, width and height are provided more attributes.