HTML Colors

HTML Colors

HTML colors are used for many purpose into the HTML for the background ,text color and specifythe border color and many more we can specify colors in various way we can specify in rgb mode exact colors ,its sl mode , rgb mode and we can specify directly name of the colors into the CSS .

We need to specify the colors into the css property for example we need to specify colors background that we are using background colors property

if i want to specify text color then i using color property and many more property is available.

In HTML ,a color can be specified bu using a color name ,color value :

like: Tomato, orange, Dodgerblue,gray,Slateblue,black, white etc are more names are used in HTML colors.

Background Color

We need to specify colors background and you can set the background color for HTML elements



we need to specify the border color in html colors.


Text Color

Set the color of text in HTML color.


Color Value

In HTML color can also be specified using RGB values,HEX values ,HSLA values,RGBA values(red,green,blue,alpha) ,HSL values .

HSLA and RGBA values which adds an alpha channel to the color or we have 50% transparency.