iframe | HTML <iframe> Tag, iframeHTML, iframe Code Tutorial by WDH

HTML iframe Tag

HTML: <iframe> tag

This HTML tutorial explains how to use the HTML element called the <iframe> tag with syntax and examples.


The HTML <iframe> tag allows you to embed another HTML page into your current page. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <iframe> element.


In HTML, the syntax for the <iframe> tag is:

<iframe src="techonthenet.html">
  <p>Sorry, this browser does not support iframes.</p>

TIP: Any text placed within the <iframe> tag will be displayed if the browser does not support iframes. In the syntax above, we've included a <p> tag to display a message if the browser does not support iframes.


In addition to the Global Attributes, the following is a list of attributes that are specific to the <iframe> tag:

Attribute Description HTML Compatibility
align Alignment of the iframe element Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5
frameborder A value of 1 tells the browser to draw a border between the frame and other frames. A value of 0 tells the browser not to draw a border. HTML 4 only
height Height of the frame

In HTML 4.01, height can be in pixels
In HTML5, height can be in either pixels or as a percentage
HTML 4.01, HTML5
longdesc A URI of the frame's long description HTML 4 only
marginheight Number of pixels between the frame's content and the top and bottom margins HTML 4 only
marginwidth Number of pixels between the frame's content and the left and right margins. HTML 4 only
name Name of the element HTML 4.01, HTML5
scrolling Attribute indicating whether the frame should have a scroll bar

yes: frame will display a scroll bar
no: frame will not display a scroll bar
auto: frame will have a scroll bar, as needed
HTML 4 only
sandbox If attribute is an empty string, restrictions will be applied to the content in the frame.
If attribute is not an empty string, it wil list space separated tokens of restrictions that are lifted. Valid tokens are:

allow-forms: frame can submit forms
allow-same-origin: iframe content will be treated as being from the same origin as the parent document
allow-scripts: frame can run scripts
allow-top-navigation: iframe can load content from the parent document
HTML5 only
seamless Boolean attribute indicating that the browser can seamlessly render the iframe document so that it appears to be apart of the parent document HTML5 only
src URL of the page to embed HTML 4.01, HTML5
srcdoc HTML content of the page to embed (not URL) HTML5 only
width Width of the frame

In HTML 4.01, width can be in pixels
In HTML5, width can be in either pixels or as a percentage
HTML 4.01, HTML5