HTML Input Types | Input Type Date, Password, Submit, Reset, Date, Files, Hidden, Numbers,

HTML Input Types

Define :

HTML Input Types

Some input types are included in HTML input types and the default value of the type attribute is "text".

button,checkbox,color,date,datetime local,email,file,hidden,image,

month, number, password, radio, range, reset, search, submit, tel, text, time, URL, week, etc.

Input type text

 It specify or describe a single-line text input field.

syntax of text fields

Output :

Input type password:

It specifies or describes the password field.

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Input type submit

It specifies a button for submitting the data by the user filled.

Example :

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Input type reset

It describes a reset button that will reset all form values to their default values.

Example :

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Input type Date

Used for input fields that should contain a date.

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Input type Datetime-local

It specifies a date and time input field with no zone.

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Input Type File

It defines a file choose file and a browser button for file uploads.

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Input Type Hidden:

It defines a hidden input field and is not visible to a user.

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Input Type Number

Defines a numeric input field and can conjointly set a restriction on what variety area unit is accepted.

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