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HTML DOM Style Object


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Style Object Reference Style Objects


Flexible set the order of items:

document.getElementById("myRedDIV").style.order = "4";
document.getElementById("myBlueDIV").style.order = "3";
document.getElementById("myGreenDIV").style.order = "1";
document.getElementById("myPinkDIV").style.order = "2";

try it"

Definition and Usage

order attribute specifies a flexible project with respect to the order of the same flexible container for other items.

Note: If theelement is not flexible project, the order property does not work.


Firefox, Opera and Chrome support order property.


Returns order attributes:

object .style.order

Set the order attributes:

object .style.order="number|initial|inherit"

Property Value

number 默认值是 0。规定灵活项目的顺序。
initial 设置该属性为它的默认值。请参阅 initial 。
inherit 从父元素继承该属性。请参阅 inherit 。