PHP preg_replace_callback_array() Function

PHP preg_replace_callback_array() Function

Preg_replace_callback_array() function in PHP 7 represents a regular expression and replaces the use of callbacks. This function returns a string or an array of strings to match a set of regular expressions and replaces them using a callback function.


preg_replace_callback_array(patterns, input, limit, count)

Parameter Values:

  • pattern − It requires an associate array to associate the regular expression patterns to callback functions.
  • input/subject −It requires an array of strings to perform replacements.
  • limit −It is optional. -1 is used for default, which means it is unlimited. It sets a limit to how many replacements can be done in each string.
  • count −It is also optional like the limit. This variable will contain a number, indicating how many replacements were performed after the function gets to execute.
  • flags −It can be a combination of the preg_offset_captureandpreg_unmatched_as_null flags, which impact the format of the matched array.
  • Return Values −preg_replace_callback_array() returns a string or an array of strings.If an error is found, then it will return a null value.If matches are found, the new subject will be returned, otherwise,the subject will be returned unchanged.