PHP asort() Function

PHP asort Function

Definition :

The asort() function sorts an associative array in ascending order, according to the value.

The keys are preserved, i.e. the key-to-value mapping will remain unchanged by the sort operation.

Syntax :

      asort(array, sorttype)

Parameter Description
array Required. Specifies the array to sort
sorttype Optional. Specifies how to compare the array elements/items. Possible values:
  • 0 = SORT_REGULAR - Default. Compare items normally (don't change types)
  • 1 = SORT_NUMERIC - Compare items numerically
  • 2 = SORT_STRING - Compare items as strings
  • 3 = SORT_LOCALE_STRING - Compare items as strings, based on current locale
  • 4 = SORT_NATURAL - Compare items as strings using natural ordering
  • 5 = SORT_FLAG_CASE -

Example1 : In this example sorts an array having values in ascending order

Output :

    [d] => designing
    [a] => house
    [c] => online
    [b] => web

Example2 : The following example sorts an associative array having numeric values in ascending order

Output :

    [web] => 16
    [house] => 18
    [online] => 22
    [designing] => 30