PHP array_key_exists() Function

PHP array_key_exists Function

Description :

The array_key_exists() function checks an array for a specified key, and returns true if the key exists and false if the key does not exist.

Tip: Remember that if you skip the key when you specify an array, an integer key is generated, starting at 0 and increases by 1 for each value.


The basic syntax of the array_key_exists() function is given with:



The array_key_exists() function accepts the following parameters.

Parameter Description
key Required. Specifies the key to check.
array Required. Specifies the target array in which key will be checked.


Example1 :

Following Example to check the key "de" exits or not.

Output : Key exists!

Example2 :

Following Example to check the key "Iphone" exits or not.

Output : Key does not exist!

Example3 :

Check if the integer key "0" exists in an array:

Output : Key exists!