PHP Error

PHP Error

PHP Error

For upcoming next tutorials we are going studying  about PHP Error and there functions. The PHP Error function  are used to deal with error handling and logging.

This functions allow us to define own error handling rules, and modify the way the errors can be logged and The logging functions allow us to send messages directly to other machines, emails, or system logs.

There are some types of PHP error and logging functions given below.

Function Description
debug_backtrace() Generates a backtrace
debug_print_backtrace() Prints a backtrace
error_clear_last() Clears the last error
error_get_last() Returns the last error that occurred
error_log() Sends an error message to a log, to a file, or to a mail account
error_reporting() Specifies which errors are reported
restore_error_handler() Restores the previous error handler
restore_exception_handler() Restores the previous exception handler
set_error_handler() Sets a user-defined error handler function
set_exception_handler() Sets a user-defined exception handler function
trigger_error() Creates a user-level error message
user_error() Alias of trigger_error()