Ftell() in C Programming Language

Ftell() in C

ftell() in C with example

ftell() in C is used to find out the position of file pointer in the file with respect to starting of the file. Syntax of ftell() is:

long ftell(FILE *pointer)

Consider below C program. The file taken in the example contains the following data :
“Someone over there is calling you. We are going for work. Take care of yourself.” (without the quotes)
When the fscanf statement is executed word “Someone” is stored in string and the pointer is moved beyond “Someone”. Therefore ftell(fp) returns 7 as length of “someone” is 6.

// C program to demonstrate use of ftel()                                



int main()


    /* Opening file in read mode */

    FILE *fp = fopen("test.txt","r");


    /* Reading first string */

    char string[20];   



    /* Printing position of file pointer */

    printf("%ld", ftell(fp));

    return 0;



Output : Assuming test.txt contains “Someone over there ….”.


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