JavaScript Await | Async Await in Javascript Tutorial By WDH

JavaScript Await

In plain English,

  • We use async to return a promise.
  • We use await to wait and handle a promise.

Let's expand it further to understand the concepts better.

  • The async keyword is for a function that is supposed to perform an asynchronous operation. It means the function may be taking a while before it finishes execution, returns a result, or throw an error.

    We use the async keyword with a function as,


    async function fetchUserDetails(userId) {
        // pretend we make an asynchronous call
       // and return the user details
       return {'name': 'Robin', 'likes': ['toys', 'pizzas']};

    With the arrow function,


    const fetchUserDetails = async (userId) => {
       // pretend we make an asynchronous call
      // and return the user details
      return {'name': 'Robin', 'likes': ['toys', 'pizzas']};

    So, what does the async function fetchUserDetails returns when we invoke it? It returns a Promise.


    The difference between a regular function and an async function is, the latter always returns a promise. If you do not return a promise explicitly from an async function, JavaScript automatically wraps the value in a Promise and returns it.

  • The await keyword is for making the JavaScript function execution wait until a promise is settled(either resolved or rejected) and value/error is returned/thrown. As the fetchUserDetails async function returns a promise, let us handle it using the await keyword.


    const user = await fetchUserDetails();

    Now, you will see the returned user object in the console log,


    You would have used the plain-old .then() method to handle that promise without the await keyword.


    fetchUserDetails().then((user) => console.log(user));