React Exercises

React Exercises

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. One way to learn React is by completing exercises. Here is a tutorial on some React exercises that you can try:

  1. Building a simple counter: Create a button that, when clicked, increments a number displayed on the screen. This exercise will teach you the basics of handling events in React.
  2. Building a to-do list: Create a form that allows users to input a task and add it to a list. Also include a button to mark a task as complete. This exercise will teach you about managing state and updating the UI.
  3. Building a simple calculator: Create a calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). This exercise will teach you about creating reusable components and handling complex state.



These are just a few examples of the many exercises you can do to learn React. As you work through these exercises, you will learn about key concepts in React such as components, state, and events. With practice and determination, you will be able to build more complex applications using React.