puc full form

puc full form

puc full form
PCU refers to “Pollution Under Control” or full form of PUC is “Pollution Under Control”.
Full form of PUC - YouTube
What is PUC (Pollution Under Control)?
Principles of Pollution Control
Pollution and waste are symptoms, not causes, of the environmental crisis by Paul Hawken.
Pollution has many faces  
Pollution as matter cycling and energy flows.
The environment ultimately consist of matter cycles and energy flows
For example- Heat pollution is a form of air and water pollution.
Not only man made, For Example Volcanoes release gasses that are harmful to life, affect global climate and cause acid rain.
People cause pollution at a greater rate than nature, because:
  • High quantities of waste produced
  • Quality of waste accelerates pollution because of lots of new substances e.g., dye
Pollution as a stepwise process
High volumes of waste produced as by products for the products/processes
“Everything goes somewhere” as either energy flowing or matter cycling as a result, waste often ends up in water, air or land.
Life Cycle Analysis(LCA)/Cradle to grave analysis can pinpoint steps in processes that can either be eliminated or made or efficient.
Therefore: “Cradle to grave” pollution = the many ways a product can pollute in its lifetime.  
Controlling Pollution 
No water pure in nature:
  • Before people existed, water contained gasses and other substances
  • Highly polluted water only  contain 1% toxins and other pollutants
  • Raw sewage entering treatment facilities contained at least 99.9% water. The problem: sewage and toxicant molecules are much larger than water molecules
Pollution Control aims to remove the pollutant and dispose of it in a landfill or incinerator, e.g., cleaning up toxic fly ash from electricity generating plants. Very expensive.